Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Online Presence

If you would have asked me, do you think you show up if you google your name ? I would have said absolutely not. When I was little, I use to dream about being able to google myself and information appear. To me it use to be thought of as a compliment to have information on google. It meant you were famous or people care about you. Now, many years later, I am completely terrified about how much information I can find just by typing in my name and my town. This has tremendously changed my mindset about how I go about social media and honestly, makes me think twice about even using technology. I found my parents name, all of my social media, and even my home address. I still am trying to have all this information deleted, but am afraid it might be too late. 

The only cool thing I got out of researching myself is my football highlights still appear online. In the future when I am missing the game of football even more than I already do, it is still available just one google search away. It's truly remarkable that so much information is just a few clicks away. But in this instance, the bad outweighs the good by a lot.

It is not that I am hiding my social media and information, but it is more for protecting myself from issues like identity theft, credit card fraud, and interfering with job opportunities. We were all once young and dumb, the only difference is in our parents generation they did not have everything on video through the use of Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. 

Overall, by taking the time to research myself, I have learned so much about how big social media and companies like google, make so much money. In reality they sell our information that we think we can trust them with, and making billions because of it. Looking forward I am going to try and get this information off the web, and be much more mindful of what I put online. 


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