Friday, April 19, 2019

Alternative Media

Alternative Media

      Alternative Media is a rather broad term but at the same time, is not hard to understand. This form of media differs from well established media such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Whether it differs in the way it uploads its content, or formats their website, or even how the media content is distributed. Alternate media can appear in many different forms such as print, digital, audio, video and so on. In 2019, it seems like everyone, no matter what the age is, has a voice. Which some may think this is a good thing, but in reality it has lead to just as bad issues as good issues. Being able to say anything to anyone from the comfort of ones home, has made the luxury of communicating have issues it has never come across before. This ability to share information so easily and directly has also caused a overload of information on the internet that causes one to have to question the credibility every time one reads something. On the other hand, one might say that the information overload is a good thing and allows more people to research the news and figure out whether it is corrupt or not. Society is effected by alternative media in many good ways and bad ways. It has caused false information to travel across the globe until it is correctly euthanatized by people who have done research or are actually there. It has also caused donations to flow in from people who think they are sending money to a good cause, but are actually getting scammed. But the crazy part is, you can flip that right back and say how much alternative media has helped getting information out there that mainstream media does not cover. For example, a alternative media website called is 100% funded by its readers and supporters and gives updates on the Syrian War and other controversial topics that are not covered as much as it should by mainstream media. When people come together and use alternative media it can do really  amazing things, but when people abuse their power and post corrupt information, it can be really bad for society. At 20 years old, you don't really think about how things may effect the next generation, but media is something that generally always gets me thinking, what are my kids going to have to deal with that I never had to. My generation has already been so tremendously effected by social media, technology, and alternative media. We believe everything we read, our intention spans are at a all time low, and we give attention to the things that should not be given attention and ignore the important things. Its crazy. At least my family that is spread out all across the world, can connect so easily. 

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