Friday, March 29, 2019

8 values of free expression

stable change ("safety Valve")

        The most important of the 8 values of expression to me is, stable change. When I think about whats best for my family and I, this is the one that I feel protects us the most as American's in a crazy society that we live in. It is so important to remember when making laws that everyone is human, everyone is going to make a mistake, and everyone deserves to have an opinion on the way this country is run. Stable change is the value that allows citizens to speak their minds and in other words "vent. Allowing people to vent actually makes it a lot less likely to resort to violence. This creates people to know they have a voice and aren't just being controlled by the government. It has been pointed out that allowing the disconnected to speak freely, enables government to have a closer eye on groups that may be dangerous in any way to the American people. In the past, when a group who believed firmly about a questionable topic have felt closed off, or not heard loudly, they tend to get aggressive which can lead to violence on innocent people. That is why this value is so crucial to the 8 values of free expression. Freedom of expression is certainly the most important rights because not only is a fundamental human right, it also allows so many other rights to flourish and gives balance. 

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