Monday, February 25, 2019

Was the risk worth the reward?

Bruce Maxwell, was a former A's catcher who was the first and only MLB player to kneel during the National Anthem. To Bruce, he was being a stand up guy who was taking a stand for something he heavily believed in. But he soon realized it was not that simple, his personal and private life turned upside down and all the people who said they were there to support him, suddenly switched sides. A few weeks after Maxwell was turned on by his peers, he was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Maxwell was lost. For awhile Bruce was swinging back and forth from the professionals to the Triple A'S. In a league that is so desperate for catchers, it was really a sign that this was way more than just Maxwell not being good enough to play in the majors, this was a sign from the owners and league, that you are not just going to get away with this and nobody is going to want to follow in Maxwell's footsteps.

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