Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen's very anticipated congressional hearing took place today, and the information he gave up about Donald Trump, was definitely worth the anticipation. This man, Michael Cohen, exposed the President of the United States in front of the world. Cohen answered questions for six hours about the over of decade work he did with Mr.Trump. He got to really understand the type of man our president is, a coward and a racist. Cohen informed the world that President Trump actually never thought he could win, but only was using it for publicity. There were 8 very key points of information that Cohen spoke about during the congressional hearing. The first key point was Cohen informed the public and court that President Trump did indeed speak to Roger Stone about Wikileaks before it actually went out to the world.Trump knew there were going to be emails that are not going to be a good look for Hillary Clinton. Which he had denied for awhile now. The second very intriguing part of Cohen's statements, was that he indeed was instructed by President Trump to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000 in a hush money settlement. Trump did have an affair with the adult film star, and was also instructed to lie about the situation to Trump's wife. Michael Cohen also informed the public that Trump's personal lawyer edited his statement when he pleaded guilty to lying to congress. In his written statement to congress in which he lied, Cohen informed the senate intelligence committees about how long Trump was in touch with Russia about the Trump Tower in Moscow. Cohen also said that Trump changed the time frame in which Trump was in communication about the Trump Tower in Moscow, for many months after he was suppose to stop. Cohen also frequently briefed Trump's wife and elder son about the TrumpTower. Another very controversial topic that Michael Cohen discussed in the congressional hearing today, was that Cohen was expected to handle the Access Hollywood tape that broke. Trump informed Cohen that he was expected to handle this, and make it no more than just some locker room talk. The last extremely important point Michael Cohen made in his highly anticipated congressional hearing was that he never accepted a Presidential pardon from Trump and that he would never accept a Presidential Pardon from Trump. Although there was no knock out punch that would destroy President Trump on the spot, but he did give crucial information that will help paint a better picture of the man Donald Trump actually is.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Was the risk worth the reward?

Bruce Maxwell, was a former A's catcher who was the first and only MLB player to kneel during the National Anthem. To Bruce, he was being a stand up guy who was taking a stand for something he heavily believed in. But he soon realized it was not that simple, his personal and private life turned upside down and all the people who said they were there to support him, suddenly switched sides. A few weeks after Maxwell was turned on by his peers, he was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Maxwell was lost. For awhile Bruce was swinging back and forth from the professionals to the Triple A'S. In a league that is so desperate for catchers, it was really a sign that this was way more than just Maxwell not being good enough to play in the majors, this was a sign from the owners and league, that you are not just going to get away with this and nobody is going to want to follow in Maxwell's footsteps.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

UNC vs DUKE post game blog

Earlier this week, I dove into a blog about the highly anticipated UNC vs Duke college basketball game. After watching the game, my point about NCAA players needing to be paid was displayed far better than I would have imagined. Duke's Zion Williamson is almost definitely going to be the number one overall pick in the upcoming NBA draft. One of my main points on why Zion Williamson should be paid why playing in the NCAA is; the risk of injury while bringing in people from all over the world to pay atleast $2,500, and thats just for one ticket! Zion sadly got injured within the first minute of the game. I wonder how much the price of admission would be after the fans knew they were not going to see Williamson play? Now the question is, does Zion continue to play for Duke University this season? Or does he take the safe route and not risk millions of dollars ? We shall see.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Blog Post: UNC vs DUKE Game ticket prices reaching $2,500 for cheapest tickets because of Zion Williamson! And he does not get paid a penny!

UNC vs. DUKE Game tonight is reaching ridiculous high ticket prices reaching $2,500 for the cheapest tickets all because of Zion Williamson! And he does not get paid a penny! One ticket that was sold this week went for $10,652. Even that amount of money for one ticket could change Zion's living situation completely. But no, the NCAA will not allow these players to get paid even though the Universities of both teams will end the day with millions of dollars. It is complete nonsense and I think these players need to start exploring other routes to the NBA until the NCAA realizes they have been extremely selfish and were very wrong not paying these players. Seeing a player with Zion Williamson's athletic ability is not common. He will likely be the NO. 1 overall pick in the next NBA draft. I am not saying that only the best players should get paid because basketball is very much a team game, but there are certain players like Zion Williamson that makes you realize how much of a scam the NCAA really is. 
