Friday, March 29, 2019

8 values of free expression

stable change ("safety Valve")

        The most important of the 8 values of expression to me is, stable change. When I think about whats best for my family and I, this is the one that I feel protects us the most as American's in a crazy society that we live in. It is so important to remember when making laws that everyone is human, everyone is going to make a mistake, and everyone deserves to have an opinion on the way this country is run. Stable change is the value that allows citizens to speak their minds and in other words "vent. Allowing people to vent actually makes it a lot less likely to resort to violence. This creates people to know they have a voice and aren't just being controlled by the government. It has been pointed out that allowing the disconnected to speak freely, enables government to have a closer eye on groups that may be dangerous in any way to the American people. In the past, when a group who believed firmly about a questionable topic have felt closed off, or not heard loudly, they tend to get aggressive which can lead to violence on innocent people. That is why this value is so crucial to the 8 values of free expression. Freedom of expression is certainly the most important rights because not only is a fundamental human right, it also allows so many other rights to flourish and gives balance. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

A Patriot for life, thank you Gronk.

After just 10 years playing in the NFL, Robert Gronkowski has impacted the league more than anyone I know. He became the perfect example of what Tide ends should look/play like forever. His intelligence, mixed with size, and athleticism were untouchable. Gronk helped the New England Patriots win three Superbowl's and an absurd amount of personal achievements. Not to mention, Gronk's last catch ever, was one that lead to the game winning score by the Patriots. By his fans, he is loved. By his teammates, he is respected. By his coaches, he is admired. The party animal, Rob Gronkowski has always stayed authentic to being himself, while also being a dedicated teammate. But with Gronk retiring at age 29, it leads to a much larger conversation. A conversation about player safety and concussions, is what needs to happen. Gronk has done so much for the New England Patriots and for the entire NFL. But now that he has retired after sacrificing so much for the Patriots and NFL, are they going to still take care of Gronk? It is no secret that Rob has been injury prone in the past. Receiving concussion after concussion, Gronk fought through it. How will the NFL help Gronk after his playing career, especially since Gronk has helped the league transition so well. Hopefully they will cover his medical expenses for life. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Supreme Court Videos

These short youtube videos were absolutely amazing. Embarrassingly, I have to admit that I had little to none knowledge of how the Supreme Court system worked. I never really realize how crazy it is that on average a Supreme Court Justices serve 16 years in office. That is about 3-4 Presidents after the one who appointed them. A lot can change in 16 years, it is really crazy to think that the Supreme Court stays relatively constantly on the way they think for that many years. In all honestly, after watching this video I think the Supreme Court system is a very good thing to have in our country. I also loved how this video gave a inside look into how the Supreme Court system works and operates. It is important for citizens of the United States to know what goes on with the Supreme Court especially because they have so much power in our country. The only part of the Supreme court system that I do not agree with is how the Supreme Court gets about 7,000 cases a year, but only takes about 100 seriously. That is a huge loop hole for very important cases to slide through the system without given the proper consideration. That means a lot of people get very let down by the Supreme Court and give up, but in reality those cases could be stepping stones to major changes in our country. These videos were really eye opening and informative and I am so glad I got the chance to watch them and I hope all others who were misinformed like me, can understand such an important part of our country. 
