Friday, January 25, 2019

Five Favorite News sources

                My entire life, I have been obsessed with sports. My eyes have been glued to ESPN for as long as I can remember. Whether it was on my family's home computer or in the TV in my living room. ESPN does a tremendous job getting their name out there and to cover sports all across the world. ESPN is definitely my favorite source of news and the one I use most frequently. 

                                                                   New York Times-

           My father has always read the New York Times. So naturally, wanting to be like my dad, I started reading The New York Times. I love the New York Times because of the diversity of information it allows you to gain. I also feel that it is one of the most accurate sources of information. 

                                                                         Daily mail-

       Most people would call me crazy for putting the Daily mail on my list of favorite news sources. But I weirdly like the gossip aspect of the website. I know some things may not be completely accurate on this website, but it still dives deeper into celebrities lives. Daily Mail is so popular because they are amazing at writing headliners that draw readers in.

                                                                       Boston Globe-

I am from Boston, Massachusetts. The Boston Globe has been delivered to my house my whole life. I love Boston sports with a passion and it gives great information about Boston sports team, along with endless amounts of other news stories, each and every day. 


Surprisingly, twitter is one of the best sources of news out there today. Twitter brings in all the major news sources, along with the small sources to give you as much information as possible. Twitter has grown into a news source much more intensely in the last couple years. I see twitter staying relevant for a long time and improving more and more with giving people accurate and up to date news. 

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